Price: $
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Adobe Acrobat Reader DC


    Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
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/ 894 ratings

The most popular and probably the best PDF reader available

Adobe | 3 more apps |
updated on March 20, 2025
601.5mb | free


A modern and sleek design
Plenty of useful options you can't find anywhere else
The Pro version can basically satisfy your every PDF need
The Pro version OCR feature enables you to edit scanned files using the same recognized font


The Pro version is a bit pricy on a yearly basis
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Price: $
Managing PDF files easily is a big need for many people. Business people as well as students need to manage these files easily and many tools offer this functionality, especially for the Windows platform. Adobe has actually created the Portable File Format (PDF) and they definitely remain on top of the market with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The app looks nice with its modern design. It provides a browser-like experience with tabs such as Home, Tools, and tab for every PDF file you have opened recently. The overall experience with viewing PDF files is great. However, Adobe takes a while to open when you double-click a PDF file and many users simply prefer to open it in their browser.

Besides PDF viewing, Adobe Acrobat provides some unique tools. You can easily convert PDF files to many other formats such as Word or Excel documents. Also, it works vice versa enabling you to convert other file formats into PDF. PDF files can be digitally signed easily and you can even add digital stamps which can also be created quite easily.

However, additional features are only available for the Pro version of the tool which costs $14.99 per month or $179 per year. This isn't a lot, but it might seem a bit much for users who don't use the additional features that often. They include file combining, protection, optimization, etc. Editing PDF files is also something you need to pay for!

A great Adobe Acrobat Pro feature is OCR support, where you can convert any scanned text document into editable text using the same font Adobe Acrobat recognizes after the scan is over. Overall, it's the best PDF reader, and also creator and editor if you are willing to pay up!
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 starsEditor's pick Sooftware editor's pick

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• 1.5GHz or faster processor
• 1GB of RAM
• 380MB of available hard-disk space
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• 1024x768 screen resolution
• IE 8, 9 or 10 (Win 8 min.), 11; Firefox extended support release

Operating system


Supported languages

Available in multiple languages

Other platforms


Total: 57007
Last week: 723

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