Price: $
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Adobe Acrobat Reader for Android

    Adobe Acrobat Reader for Android
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/ 4 ratings

A heavy but feature-packed PDF reader for Android users

Adobe | 3 more apps |
updated on October 18, 2024
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109.7mb | free


Free and simple to use
You can leave your touch on the files by adding comments, highlighting and underlining
Signatures and other forms can be created in the app
It's quite fast and perfect for different user needs


Some features are only available to paying users
Pinpointing a spot in the middle of the file can feel slow
Adobe Acrobat Reader for Android
Price: $
Viewing PDF files on the go is a must for some users and luckily there are plenty of ways you can do so on an Android smartphone. The Adobe company has actually created the PDF file format and it's expectable to see them dominating the market when it comes to reading and creating such files. Their PDF reader is called Acrobat Reader and it's available for free.

Its download size is somewhat large for a PDF viewer, weighing in around 60MB. In comparison, there are PDF readers with less than 1MB in size. However, this means that it should be packing various features and that is exactly the case.

Its interface is modern and simple. Files can be navigated easily no matter where they are stored on your device. There are various reading modes such as Continuous Pages, where you simply scroll through the pages. There is also Page-by-Page mode which enables you to swipe between pages similar to a Power Point presentation. Reading Mode zoomes in text to make it more legible and you can use the Night Mode to make the pages black with white text.

Free features include underlining and highlighting text, adding comments, drawing, etc. Also, you can easily fill and sign text with signatures, checkmarks and other interesting details, which can make certain tasks easier. It also lets you create your signature by you drawing it or by uploading an image.

The app loads around 4 pages at a time meaning you can easily scroll through the document without having to wait for the pages to load. However, if you want to pinpoint something in the middle of the document, this might present a problem. Still, it's one of the fastest readers out there as you can quickly load PDF files rich in colors, images and text.

There are many more features which can be unlocked by going pro such as converting PDF files to Word or Excel, organizing pages, combining several PDF files, etc. The app also markets the Adobe Scan app which can easily turn images and scanned files into PDF, by using OCR.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 stars)

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